Detailed description
1.The Assay Procedure and the Test Result Interpretation must be followed closely when testing the presence of antibodies to pathogenic C. pneumonia in serum, plasma or whole blood from individual subjects. Failure to follow the procedure may give inaccurate results.
2.The Chlamydia Antigen Test is limited to the qualitative detection of antibodies to C. pneumoniain human serum, plasma or whole blood. The intensity of the test band does not have linear correlation with antibody titer in the specimen.
3.A negative result for an individual subject indicates absence of detectable C. pneumonia antibodies. However, a negative test result does not preclude the possibility of exposure to C. pneumonia.
4.A negative result can occur if the quantity of C. pneumonia antibodies present in the specimen is below the detection limits of the assay, or the antibodies that are detected are not present during the stage of disease in which a sample is collected. 5.Some specimens containing unusually high titer of heterophile antibodies.